Why You Should Build an eCommerce Mobile App for your Business

Putting up your ads on social media sites and hoping customers hit up your website to view your products is still necessary for many businesses, but increasingly it’s mobile apps that are the name of the game. Why spend all that time scrolling through a company website when a mobile app can tailor everything you’re seeing to a personalized wish list and send it straight to your home? If you want to compete in a market where everyone wants everything at the tip of their fingers, eCommerce app development is not optional, but absolutely essential.

Convenience for Your Customers

There’s more and more information available to us all the time, but unfortunately no more time in which to consume it, so when customers are looking to buy something, they don’t want to have to jump through hoops. They want everything to be simple, fast, and stressless so that they can get back to their lives, even if that means paying a little more. Mobile apps for eCommerce enable greater tailoring of content and navigation to your users’ personal preferences than websites do, and because users can input whatever personal information they care to share with your company and have it saved for later use, purchases can be made with only a couple of taps on their screen. This is why install to purchase rates on mobile apps have been steadily increasing, and in-store purchases are on the decline.

And the easier it is for your customers to find what they need on your app, the more likely they will be to use it as their go-to spot for products and services in your market. The simplicity and efficiency of your app can be a major selling point.

Brand Awareness for You

Having an app on your customers’ home screens keeps your company top-of-mind, and the more customers associate the kinds of products and services you provide with your brand, the more likely they’ll be to mention you to their friends and colleagues. Assuming your eCommerce app has been designed properly, it can be an extremely effective encapsulation of your brand identity. In addition, the ability to send push notifications can let your customers know about promotions, new app features, and relevant news, but in a way that users can customize to their preferences, since no one has time to be bombarded with ads for things that aren’t specific to their needs.

Your company’s offerings need to be revamped and improved on a consistent basis in response to both changes in your users and changes in the market and technology. One big advantage of a mobile app for eCommerce is that whenever you make the needed updates, those updates can be easily downloaded and your customers can be alerted to check out what’s new. And if you can make your app not only useful but enjoyable to use, that goes a long way toward building buzz for your company.

Staying Ahead of the Curve

Companies that aren’t jumping on the mobile eCommerce bandwagon are not only missing out on potential revenue right now, they are also failing to prepare for a future that is looking more and more mobile-centric, where the majority of eCommerce – and potentially just commerce – is carried out via mobile technology. But with a well-designed app, you can meet your customers exactly where they want you: in the palm of their hand.