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Intel XDK Tutor by Sarad Gajurel

1. Intro and Terminologies

Cross-platform mobile application development is a technique of...

2. Debugging APPs

In this tutorial I will show you how to debug Intel XDK apps while...

3. Building App for Adhoc and App Store

I have created a video on how to test Intel XDK app on real device...

4. Programming Guide to Background Execution

One of the most confusing and tough topics of mobile application...

5. Launching Browser Inside App

With just one line of code you can open browser inside a Intel XDK...

6. Sending SMS

With just one line of code you can send SMS using Intel XDK...

7. Preventing Device From Sleeping

With just one line of code we can prevent device from sleeping. It...

8. Finding Internet Connection Type

Here is the JavaScript code snippet to find the Internet connection type...

9. Retrieve Device Information

Device information includes mobile operating system name, mobile...

10. Intercepting Android Back Button

When you are creating a Intel XDK app you are likely to develop a...

11. Copy to Clipboard

Text can be programmatically copied into clipboard by just one line of...

12. Launching Default Browser

You can switch from current application to browser application by just...

13. Changing Viewport Width

Suppose you have developed you app layout for 320 pixels width. If...

14. Installing or Running a App

With just one line of code you can install or run an application Running...

15. Signing Intel XDK Generated Android App

To release a app into Google play store you need to sign the Android...

16. Retrieving Viewport Height and Width

Viewport height and width of the application on same device changes...

17. Displaying Alert Box

A Intel XDK alert box is a popup box that is used to inform user about...

18. Displaying Confirmation Box

Before we learn about Intel XDK confirm box let's first see what a alert...

19. Display Loading Indicator In Status Bar

Many times you would have seen a loading indicator in status bar...

20. Playing Beep Sound

A beep sound can be used to notify a user about a incoming chat...

21. Vibrating Phone

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22. Integrating Youtube

In this tutorial I will show you how you can embed youtube videos in...

23. Creating a Barcode Scanner Application and PHP

Non dolore elit adipisicing ea reprehenderit consectetur culpa.

24. Checking if App is Running in Emulator or Device

We can easily find if the app is currently running in emulator or device...

25. Disable Copy and Paste in Phonegap

While this snippet of CSS you can easily disable copy/paste in...

26. Push Notifications using pushMobi

In this tutorial I will show you how to implement cross platform push...

27. Push Notification using Push Plugin

In this tutorial I will show how to integrate push notification in a...

28. Working with File System

In this tutorial I will introduce you to APIs using which you can work...

29. Uploading Files and Showing Progress

In this tutorial I will create a sample app which uploads a file to...

30. Downloading Files and Showing Progress

In this tutorial I will show you how to download files using Intel XDK...

31. Creating Camera App

In this tutorial I will introduce you to Intel XDK camera API. We will be...

32. Accessing User Phone Contacts

Every phone has a native default contact application which maintains...

33. Encrypting Local Data

In this tutorial I will show how to secure your local data by encrypting...

34. Creating Music Player App

In this tutorial we will look at Intel XDK's Audio APIs. Most apps require...

35. Turning On Flashlight

Intel XDK and Cordova doesn't provide any built in API to toggle...

36. Record Microphone Audio

In this tutorial I will show you how to record audio using microphone in...

37. Record Video

In this tutorial I will show you how to record video using built in camera...

38. Playing Videos

In this tutorial we will look at Intel XDK’s Video player APIs. Most apps...

39. Authenticating using Touch ID

From iPhone 5S onwards Apple introduced fingerprint scanner which...

40. Hiding Status Bar

With just few lines of code you can hide status bar in Intel XDK //event...

41. Share Buttons

In this tutorial I will show you how to create sharing buttons for Intel...

42. Local Database Storage

In this tutorial I will show you how to use HTML5 IndexedDB storage in...

43. Geolocation Tutorial

In this tutorial I will show you how to find user's current location using...

44. Orientation Guide

In this tutorial I will show you how you can lock your Intel XDK apps...

45. Creating a Feed Reader App

In this tutorial I will show you how to build a RSS Feed Reader app...

46. Creating a Password Manager App

In this tutorial I will show you how to create a password manager app...

47. Integrating Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the World's best website analytics platform. You...

48. Creating APP with PHP and MySQL Backend

PHP and MySQL are most popular backend technologies ever. 82% of...

49. Creating a Chat App using XMPP

Chat apps are becoming very popular among users. Learning the...

50. Creating a Mobile app using Ionic Framework

In this tutorial we will see how to build a cross-platform mobile app...

51. Twitter Login using ngCordovaOauth

Twitter Login is a form of single sign-on using existing login information...

52. Integrating Local Notifications

I have written a tutorial for SitePoint on how to integrate Local...

53. Storing Data Locally

I wrote an article on how to store data locally in cordova based apps...